BAR Intergenerational Community Center - Jewish Federation

Originally constructed as a vibrant two-story dance hall along the Venice boardwalk in 1923, this center has a long history of serving the community and the senior citizen population in the area. However, after sustaining damage in the Northridge earthquake, the second floor had to be removed, limiting the on-site programming available. The Center has been re-imagined as a state-of-the-art inter-generational space, better positioning it to connect to its surroundings and the community it serves.

The existing single-story 3,500 sf building was functionally obsolete with almost no handicapped accessibility. The renovation re-organized the layout of the first floor to include an interactive main lobby and community room. A second story was re-instated with classrooms, collaborative spaces, a Jewish multimedia library, and an expansive roof deck, and a loft-like third floor was added to house a manager’s apartment comprised of living area, kitchen, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. Collectively, these spaces are flexible and robust, appropriate for hosting programs for seniors and youth alike, and accessible to all.

The design seeks a balance between the desire for the Center to be welcoming and open to the beach view, and the need to be vigilant as it is a Jewish center. Along the oceanfront, a curtain wall provides natural light and views from interior to the public realm; gradually, the geometric motif (an abstraction of the Star of David) becomes a solid screen, overlaying the north wall. The solution to this seemingly paradoxical requirement uses a continuous pattern that transitions from opaque to sheer, secure to open.

Status: Completed 2022

Project Type: Institutional; Building Type: New Construction; Size: 7,000 sf

Location: Venice Beach, Los Angeles

Partners: Hagy Belzberg, Jennifer Wu

Principal: Lindsey Sherman Contento

Project Managers: Barry Gartin, Kristofer Leese

Project Team: Ashley Coon, Joshua Hanley, Jessica Hong, Jenny Fontenot, Alexis Roohani, Chris Sanford, Corie Saxman

Client’s Rep: Michael Mathews, Mathews Development Group

Photo Credit: © Art Gray